Basics: Check and adjust babbitt mains and rods for proper clearance

Includes pan gaskets sealants and shop supplies $420.00
Short block: Includes inserted bearings and new insert bearing rods, cylinder boring, new pistons & rings, new valves, reground camshaft
Long block: Includes all Short block work plus re-furbishing your pan,
covers, surfacing of head, rebuilt oil pump and completely assembled $3,800.00
Touring Engine Includes Long block work plus counterweighted & balanced crank ligntened flywheel, touring cam, balance flywheel & pressure plate & new high compression Snyders head. $4,934.00
Burlington Touring Engine Contact me for your Burlington crankshaft
needs or questions. This newly manufactured crankshaft works very well
with my processes.
Dyno run: Place in engine stand and run for two or more hours with dyno load. Add to Long block or Touring Engine $350.00
Call or email for Model B engine pricing
For a complete list of pricing cliick link below:
Ford Model A & B Engines
Rebuilt with Insert Bearings
By Durable Performance